On 31.10.2014, Alexander Volovics wrote: 

> Does it make any difference if mutt is compiled with '--with-gnutls'
> enabled or with '--with-openssl' enabled.

When compiled with "--with-ssl", it uses openssl for TLS,
and with "--with-gnutls" it uses the gnutls implementation.
(Btw: there is no "--with-openssl" configure option).
> Using the same .muttrc file I use in fedora the TLS connection
> 'aborts' and I get the error message:
> "SSL failed, I/O error. Could not negotiate TLS connection".

Is the certificate properly installed in /etc/pki/tls/certs?
Openssl looks in that place and aborts if the servers certificate
could not be validated. Gnutls offers you to accept it manually,
if the host name does not match.

(Disclaimer: I'm not using a Fedora mutt).

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