I have an Alienware 17-1 laptop that I would like to run Fedora linux on. The laptop has 2TB of disk, 32GB of ram and NVIDIA GeForce GTX 880M graphics, so I thought it would make a great development platform. I inserted the Fedora live DVD and booted. It asked If I wanted to check the disk, which I did. Next I started Fedora. It got to the point where the fedora logo is on the screen, and then disappeared. The fans came on, so I assumed it was doing something, but after about 5 minutes the system appeared to be still in the same state.

In the past there has been an install image that is about 4.3GB large that guides the installation. I cannot find an similar image for F21. I have been away for awhile, so if this is well known please forgive me. I looked at the documentation and did not see any mention.

Will Fedora work on an Alienware laptop? I though the since it was Dell it should. If so, what is the best way to load Fedora onto it? Is the fact that the live DVD failed telling me I am out of luck?

|    Don Fisher                         h...@comcast.net        |
|    865 W. Cresta Loma Dr.             VOICE: (520)888-7613    |
| Tucson, AZ. 85704-3705 |

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