On 03/05/15 19:24, Peter Boy wrote:
Am 02.05.2015 um 21:01 schrieb Thomas Cameron <thomas.came...@camerontech.com>:

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I am trying to help a buddy set up a simple web site for a small
landscaping business. I'm going to run it on a Fedora 21 VM on Digital
Ocean (I love them, by the way).

I will set up the OS and software, and I'm a relatively savvy
sysadmin, but he's not an IT guy at all. I'd like to make sure it's
dead-bang easy for him to upload pictures and the like when his
company finishes a new project.

Does anyone have a favorite CMS that is really easy for users?

You may have a look at http://www.cmsgarden.org which is a cooperation of 
various open source content management systems.

Someone mentioned WordPress, it is not really a content management system but a 
blog system. There is a tendency that each system claims to be suitable (and 
capable) for everything. It is as true as the claim a formula 1 car is suitable 
for your weekend family shopping.

Unless you have a good IT support you may avoid php based systems for security 
reasons. Some systems (e.g. Drupal) are re-programming the whole bunch a comply 
to a security aware architecture but most use a programming architecture of the 
last century.

I suppose the intended site will we quite small (e.g. less than about 100 
pages), doesn’t need a history, is just modestly updated and managed by quite a 
few authors. You may choose djangoCMS (easier) or phone (more functions) (both 
Python). For a really big site with a lot of daily updates and a bunch of 
authors you may choose one of the  Enterprise ready systems (OpenCMS or 


I do agree with Peter's comments above, and would avoid wordpress. I would add that Drupal is also really just a blog system. Anything PHP is last century even though they claim OOP capability, it's still a pain.
If one uses a shared server then I find options are severely limited.
Most shared servers that I have asked, stick to php, why, well there are a plethora of excuses. You can set up a beautiful and simple CMS using Ruby on Rails quite quickly but are forced to use Heroku or pay through the nose for other servers. I cannot use Ruby (rails), Python (django or phone) or others because the UberGlobal/ shared server will not update Python 1.8 and will not install ruby gems.

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