
I finally have enough time to play with my computer and guitar at the
same time.  Does anyone have a method of storing a live feed from a
guitar.  I have a guitar with an acoustic pickup that I normally use
with a regular amplifier.  I now have a usb audio cable from Alesis
LineLink that I can use to connect my Fedora 22 machine to the acoustic
pick up of the guitar.  

I connected the usb audio cable to the computer and to my guitar, but
was not able to get any software that that was on my F22 machine to
recognize the the live feed.

Have any of you used this kind of equipment or other kinds of equipment
to store a live feed from a guitar acoustic pickup.  I would like to be
able to play and store a song or two and then experiment with mixing
the sounds.

Any suggestions????

Greg Ennis

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