On 2018-11-02 9:04 p.m., ben...@gmx.com wrote:

No idea if "spaces dots" color can be specified in a Geany color scheme, or if they're set to the same color as some other characters or...? Often I can't see some empty space dots unless I move close to the monitor.  Those with perfect vision probably don't notice this.


In the colour scheme .conf files, it's the `white_space`[0] key, which is where you should change it. As far as I know, the actual graphics are builtin, you can only change the colours.

Matthew Brush

[0]: https://github.com/geany/geany-themes/blob/4598c9f3b06d1464e58f693a38b97e32ee73babf/colorschemes/github.conf#L55
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