On 2020-02-05 1:56 p.m., Lev wrote:
Dear Geany comunity,

I'm using geany, but I somehow broke my setup by a installing geany from 
source. Now I want to use my distro's stock package, and I have this on 
standard output:

(geany:8917): Gtk-WARNING **: 22:49:43.132: Error loading theme icon 
'geany-build' for stock: Failed to load 
/usr/local/share/icons/hicolor/24x24/actions/geany-build.png: Error opening 
file /usr/local/share/icons/hicolor/24x24/actions/geany-build.png: No such file 
or directory

Somehow, geany searches for the icons in /usr/local, which have been removed.


$ which geany

$ whereis geany
geany: /usr/bin/geany /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/geany /usr/include/geany 
/usr/share/geany /usr/share/man/man1/geany.1.gz

So I wonder where it is saved where to find those icons.

Any help appreciated.


How did you uninstall the Geany you built? Did you use the `make uninstall` build system target or manually remove the files?

One thing to check is if you run Geany from the command line, does it work, and if so, when you use the `-v` option (or from Help->Debug Messages), look at what the "System data dir" shows as. If it's showing /usr/local/share then you probably still have Geany in the other location. If it works properly from the command line but not from the .desktop launcher/shortcut thing, it may be that the .desktop file lingers in the `/usr/local/share/applications` directory or something.

In any case, if you get the same version of Geany source you built from last time, configure it with the same options, you should be able to use `make uninstall` and it will delete any files that are put there by the build system/installer.

Matthew Brush
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