On 06.04.20 02:11, Lex Trotman wrote:
>> Or, is this a known issue?
> You can search the reported issues here https://github.com/geany/geany/issues

Even better: search on https://sourceforge.net/p/scintilla/bugs/.

It seems to be a Scintilla issue. Scite (the reference implementation of
the Scintilla library) shows the same behavior.

I assume nedit adds the contents to the clipboard using a mimetype or so
which Scintilla cannot or don't want to handle.

Scintilla is the library we use in Geany for the editing widget.

Do you know when exactly this broke?
Geany 1.36 uses Scintilla 3.10.4, 1.35 uses 3.10.2.


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