First, let me correct something I posted before.  when I was posting the mods I made to the mc.conf theme, I posted that I had set the following:


I did this thinking that the ;true;true would enable the color settings.  In fact what this did was set Bold and Italic on all default text.  Now I'm using:


and this makes things look much better.

Also, I have gotten interested in using the Snippets feature. But I do most scripting in either Perl or Bash, and there were no sections defined in the snippets.conf file for these languages. So I decided to write my own.  I added 2 sections: [sh] and [perl], and started to write some rules.  However, nothing was recognized.  I copied one rule to the [Default] section, and it worked fine there.  So I started looking further for the issue.  I found the following 2 comments in the snippets.conf file:

# For a list of available filetype names, execute:
# geany --ft-names

So I executed this command, and noticed that the listings for Perl and Shell scripts each was done with an initial Cap.  I changed my section headers, and all started working as intended. The outcome is you MUST replicate both the spelling and the capitalization as shown by the geany --ft-names command, or the new section will not be recognized.  By the way, this is not mentioned in the Main Geany documentation.

On the same subject, I found numerous instances of a substitution string %block_cursor% in snippets.conf. However, the meaning of this string is not explained,  either in the file or in the Geany Main documentation.  Does anyone know what this substitution does, or how it is different from %cursor%?

Hope this helps someone

Alan Becker

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