
On 2020-04-23 12:21, Colin Parker wrote:
> If you want to try it, I have had success using fb_boot_drv instead of
> fb_drv in qemu. This was as a prelude to actually getting it to work on
> my hardware. In this case your resolution will be set based on whatever
> GRUB decides to set as the resolution, as I understand it. This can be
> quite large if the correct options are passed to qemu and you use the
> right firmware (I use the TianoCore firmware). IIRC I had to edit the
> driver manager or some such in order to prevent it choosing fb_drv (i.e.
> the VESA one). But that was in an older Sculpt. The newest one seems to
> have a preference of Intel -> GRUB -> VESA, so it might be using the
> GRUB one already? (As an aside, it doesn't actually check if the Intel
> driver fails, so if you, like me, have an Intel graphics adapter that it
> doesn't like, it won't fall back to the GRUB one, it'll just leave the
> screen blank).

If you boot in UEFI mode (no bios legacy support) by using qemu --bios
option Sculpt will use automatically the fb_boot_drv component, which
will take the resolution as Grub setup.

If you boot the old BIOS legacy way, Sculpt will use the fb_drv with a
fixed pre-defined resolution.

Thanks Colin for the hint,


Alexander Boettcher
Genode Labs

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