
On 20.01.21 12:16, Edoardo Mantovani wrote:
> I am new to Genode os, I've tried it for an once and I found it
> beautiful, but honestly I still don't know if (and how) I can install
> it on "my hardware's " pc.
> (I am currently using Sculpt 20-08)

running Sculpt from the USB stick is the easiest and advised way to run it on 

Beside that, we have no further "installer" support.

Of course you can get Sculpt to boot directly from a hard disk, but this 
involves some manual steps you have to do on your own, e.g.

a) Copy the Sculpt 20.08 image manually with 'dd' to your hard disk. The Sculpt 
image is a bootable GPT disk image, containing everything necessary to come up, 
e.g. GRUB2 boot loader for BIOS legacy and UEFI boot. Of course, by doing this 
you would lose everything installed before on the disk. After you booted 
successful from disk, you will have to use the "expand" feature available via 
the Sculpt Leitzentrale, to expand the partition and filesystem to get access 
to the full size of your hard disk.

b) If you have already a Linux system on your hard disk, you will need a free 
ext2 partition. Into that you can copy the content of the GENODE partition from 
the USB stick. Within you Linux distro you have to pursue the steps to add 
another boot entry. This steps depends on your distro and you should look up 
the guides how to do that. The content of the additional boot entry you may 
take from the /boot/grub/grub.cfg file of your  new (GENODE) ext2 partition or 
chain load just the whole configuration. If you succeed with that, you will 
have during boot your Linux boot entry and a Sculpt boot entry.

As you see, it efforts some manual steps, but I hope the pointers help.


Alexander Boettcher
Genode Labs

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