
currently we are testing our updates of ported Linux drivers [0] on various 
generations of Intel hardware.
The available test hardware in the lab works fine, so far, but we can't be sure 
whether it applies to all systems out there.

You may support us, and thereby the next Sculpt release, by test driving the 
prepared images. The images are bootable via USB stick and can be prepared 
similar as documented for Sculpt [2]. With the tests by you, we may detect 
regression earlier, e.g. before the Sculpt release.

The test is very simple (and not sensational at all) and cycles through some 
test pictures. When external monitors are attached, the test pictures are 
mirrored across all connectors. The resolution changes automatically to the 
largest resolution available, so that monitors with smaller resolution will 
just show a part of the test picture (so, it is expected behavior).

Image [3] contains the driver based upon Linux kernel 6.1 as be part of Genode 
staging branch.
Image [4] is a variation, which tries to use more of the drm/kms interfaces [2] 
(and is still work-in-progress).
Ideally, both just work. Please also try to attach/detach connectors multiple 
times to stress the driver a bit.

If [3] and [4] does not work (or one of them), it would be nice, to give the 
5.14. based driver [5] a spin. With this information we can see, whether it 
never worked on your system or it is really a regression due to the update to 

If it works for you, it would be good to know about. If it does not work, it 
would be even better to know about.

In both cases, the specification of your hardware would be appreciated. If you 
don't want to spread the information publicly, you may also write me a direct 
message. Luxurious support would be, if you can send a captured trace via 
uart/serial/amt [6] in case something does not work for you. Please send 
captured logs directly to me, just to avoid spamming the mailing list.

Thanks for your support & have a nice Easter,


[0] https://github.com/genodelabs/gnode/issues/4798
[1] https://github.com/genodelabs/genode/issues/4806
[2] https://genode.org/download/sculpt#Preparing_a_bootable_USB_stick_on_Unix
[3] https://depot.genode.org/alex-ab/images/intel_display_6_1.img
[4] https://depot.genode.org/alex-ab/images/intel_display_6_1_drm_kms.img
[5] https://depot.genode.org/alex-ab/images/intel_display_5_14.img

[6] https://genodians.org/chelmuth/2019-01-16-test-machine

The used branches of [3][4][5] are available via at 
branch intel_display_5_14, intel_display_6_1, intel_display_6_1_drm_kms.

Alexander Boettcher
Genode Labs

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