On 10/16/08 13:08, Martin Vít wrote:
> I've tryed modparam("acc", "failed_transaction_flag", 4) and set the 
> flag in route{ }. I've debug msgs in every route branch but it seems 
> that the BYE sended by the dialog module does not traverse it.
> For make me sure I've checked some failed transactions (not sended by 
> dialog module) and it is logged properly.
ok, I thought you have the system to get the answered BYEs, but not the 
ones that fail. The messages initiated by openser, like hop-to-hop 
CANCEL, MESSAGE by msilo module or these BYEs are not going to the 
config, but if there is another proxy in the path, you could account there.

There are two options:
- you insert the acc record from the application initiating the 
:dlg_end_dlg: command
- you compile kamailio with -DUSE_LOCAL_ROUTE and write a local_route in 
the config where you do accounting. Be careful that local_route may 
bring some unexpected behaviors if you use it with branches, time 
variable, a.s.o, but should be fine just for accounting


> Daniel-Constantin Mierla napsal(a):
>> Hello,
>> acc module has the functionality of logging failed transactions:
>> http://www.kamailio.org/docs/modules/1.4.x/acc.html#id2468153
>> Cheers,
>> Daniel
>> On 10/16/08 11:46, Martin Vít wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> i'm testing dialog module and trying to account died sessions. I've
>>> problem or i've misunderstood the way how to account it. If I send
>>> dlg_end_dlg, a dialog session is ended and BYE is sended to both sides.
>>> But if the BYE is not confirmed the acc module will never log this. Is
>>> there any way to immidiatly log BYE asap dialog ends?
>>> thanks for any suggestion
>>> MV

Daniel-Constantin Mierla

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