Sorry to keep knocking on this door but we're still in the dark about how to
implement this correctly.

Basically our problems boil down to this:
Some users may create (and edit, delete etc) certain node-types while other
users may not.
For example:

  1. Group A can create persons and places and may edit and delete nodes
  they created;
  2. Group B may not create persons and places, but only streets. The
  can however view persons and places created by Group A;

How do you go about and implement this in MMBase?

This is what we did:

  1. For every nodetype a context with group is created, so there is a
  persons, places and streets context;
  2. Then comes the, in my view, strange action: With the my-editors we
  set in typedef the respective owner at each nodetype. So nodetype Places
  gets as his owner a context Places, etc.
  3. Then we create a context and group A and B;
  4. Group A gets create, edit write and delete in the context Persons
  and Places Group B for Streets, and view rights for context A;

Is there another way of controlling which nodetypes a group can create?

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