
Maybe it is just a typo that prevents message passing. Check that:
- the signature are correct
- you have put ObjectiveCMessage attributes on these methods
- you have specified selectors
- the selectors you have specified are correct (they are case
sensitive, and semi-colon are very important)


Regards, Laurent Etiemble.

2008/8/4 Ben Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi,
> I am trying to use a NSScrollView with my custom NSView.  I am trying to 
> centre the view to the size of the scroll view.
> The custom NSView is not receiving the setFrame, setFrameSize and 
> viewDidMoveToSuperview messages.  I am basing this off the last code on this 
> page http://www.cocoadev.com/index.pl?CenteringInsideNSScrollView.
> Regards,
> Ben Martin
> TruStorm Software
> http://www.trustorm.com.au
> 0407 256 072

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