
It is very strange. The log only indicates that the bridge has loaded
a new assembly for parsing (parsing means searching for Objective-C
wrappers). This should not cause any problem, as a lot of assemblies
are parsed.

You should be aware that the native application generation has some limitations:
- runtime loaded assemblies are not seen (and there is no way for the
moment to declare them)
- runtime bound library are not seen (and there is no way for the
moment to declare them)

So, the questions are:
- Do you have any assemblies or native libraries that are loaded at
runtime (think reflection but also P/Invoke) ?
- Can compare the behavior on different machines with and without Mono
installed ?

You can check this link in order to debug the native library loading:
- http://developer.apple.com/technotes/tn2004/tn2124.html#SECDYLD

Regards, Laurent Etiemble.

2008/8/4 Jérôme Gagnon-Voyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi
> I'm having problem with nant native, when I run on a machine without Mono.
> The application just seems to hang there (I have to force quit after a
> "beach ball of the death" ) when I click to login, it's hard to know what's
> going on but it seems that it's a problem with System.Runtime.Remoting
> 633534550301397090 [DEBUG] NSApplication - Running Application
> 633534550324178340 [DEBUG] MessagingGenerator - Generating Messaging Method
> : Monobjc.Dynamic.Messaging.OBJC_MSGSEND [Monobjc_Cocoa_NSDictionary]()
> 633534550346850040 [DEBUG] ObjectiveCRuntime - Domain has loaded the
> 'System.Runtime.Remoting, Version=, Culture=neutral,
> PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' assembly
> Terminated
> That's the log I get when I enable debugging.
> Is that enough information or you want me to write a test-application?
> Thanks.
> Jérôme

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