
I'm trying to make an NSTimer which fires every second using:

nsCountdown = 
NSTimer.ScheduledTimerWithTimeIntervalTargetSelectorUserInfoRepeats(1, this, 
countdownTick(), nsCountdown), null, true);

Which builds fine if I make countdownTick() return an IntPtr, but it only calls 
it once then I get errors saying:

"-[MainWindow <null selector>]: unrecognized selector sent to instance"

so I guess I need to specify a selector somehow, rather than just putting in 
the name of the method I want called when the timer fires.

I guess this has something to do with an IntPtr (as this is the type of the 
variable I need to pass to the 
'ScheduledTimerWithTimeIntervalTargetSelectorUserInfoRepeats' Selector value) 
or even an NSInvocation as there's another option of 
'ScheduledTimerWithTimeIntervalInvocationRepeats' that takes an invocation 
instead of a target and selector.

I know in Objective-C I would just use 'Self' as the target and 
'@selector("countdownTick")' as the selector but what do I do in C#?



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