Hello all,


I’m currently trying to add a keyboard hooking function using
NSEvent:addGlobalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask method which needs a block as
a callback. To be able to define that block I moved that piece of code to a
native class in a Cocoa  Framework. The framework is wrapped from Monobjc so
that from Mono the code creates an object of that class an calls a native
method which then creates and register the block using the above NSEvent
class method. 


I know the upcoming Monobjc major release will add support for blocks, but
this is purely native code (involved in defining the block and assigning it
to the global monitor). Is there any Monobjc/block interaction that forbids
the use of blocks at all?


Thanks in advance,


Óscar Blasco Maestro
Senior Software Developer 
 <mailto:obla...@vsn.es> obla...@vsn.es

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