
I've been trying to compile OpenMPI with gfortran on Mac OS X, and use
it with an MPI app that compiles and works using MPICH2 on a Linux

I have tried using both versions 1.1 and the pre-release 1.1.1, and I
get the same result. Attached at the configuration logs and make outputs
from compiling OpenMPI with version 1.1.1. (However only the configure
output and make all output are included, and they are bzip2'ed and not
gzip'ed. I tried to include everything specified on
http://www.open-mpi.org/community/help/, and have it tared, but it was
over 100kb)

The compilation of OpenMPI seems to finish successfully. However, when
compiling my MPI app I get the error

Error: Generic subroutine 'mpi_cart_create' at (1) is not an intrinsic

Other MPI calls, such as MPI_REDUCE, and MPI_SENDRECV do not bring up
any errors. The call is of the following form, with the variable
declarations shown:

INTEGER :: dimSizes(0:numDims-1)
LOGICAL :: dimPeriodics(0:numDims-1)
LOGICAL :: reorderRanks
INTEGER :: comm
INTEGER :: err

CALL MPI_CART_CREATE(MPI_COMM_WORLD, numDims, dimSizes, dimPeriodics, &
         reorderRanks, comm, err)

After some investigation, if I replace the logicals with Integers I
get it to compile. I haven't manage to test it yet due to some
gfortran error elsewhere. However, I'm not that keen on using integers
when they should be logicals. Also, I think according to the
, logicals should be accepted.

Is there a way to get MPI_CART_CREATE working with logicals on my system?


p.s. I also apologise if this has been sent twice.

Attachment: ompi-output.tar.bz2
Description: BZip2 compressed data

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