On Mar 20, 2007, at 3:15 PM, Mike Houston wrote:

If I only do gets/puts, things seem to be working correctly with version
1.2.  However, if I have a posted Irecv on the target node and issue a
MPI_Get against that target, MPI_Test on the posed IRecv causes a segfaults:

Anyone have suggestions?  Sadly, I need to have IRecv's posted.  I'll
attempt to find a workaround, but it looks like the posed IRecv is
getting all the data of the MPI_Get from the other node. It's like the
message tagging is getting ignored.  I've never tried posting two
different IRecv's with different message tags either...

Hi Mike -

I've spent some time this afternoon looking at the problem and have some ideas on what could be happening. I don't think it's a data mismatch (the data intended for the IRecv getting delivered to the Get), but more a problem with the call to MPI_Test perturbing the progress flow of the one-sided engine. I can see one or two places where it's possible this could happen, although I'm having trouble replicating the problem with any test case I can write. Is it possible for you to share the code causing the problem (or some small test case)? It would make me feel considerably better if I could really understand the conditions required to end up in a seg fault state.



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