Well, as expected this call is not documented ... and I get to it only with some help from Loic. On the version of MX I have tested it is not required to add the 3th and 4th arguments as I don't want to set anything. The NIC is already specified through the mx_btl->mx_endpoint isn't it ?


On Mon, 11 Jun 2007, Reese Faucette wrote:

!         if( (status = mx_get_info( mx_btl->mx_endpoint, MX_LINE_SPEED,
!                                    &nic_id, sizeof(nic_id),
                                     &value, sizeof(int))) != MX_SUCCESS )

yes, a NIC ID is required for this call because a host may have multiple
NICs with different linespeeds, e.g. a 2G card and a 10G card.

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