I am trying to build openmpi on a G4 mac osx 10.4 with Fortran g95

(www.g95.org) support.

I would like to use mpif90 or mpif77 to compile Fortran MPI code.

I get an error in the configuration script.

I use "sh setup.sh". The file "setup.sh" is attached.

Is there a way to make a reasonable guess say Fortran logical is the same size as Fortran integer and continue with the build process?



checking if PowerPC registers have r prefix... yes
checking for 64-bit PowerPC assembly support... no
checking if gcc supports GCC inline assembly... yes
checking if gcc supports DEC inline assembly... no
checking if gcc supports XLC inline assembly... no
checking if g++ supports GCC inline assembly... yes
checking if g++ supports DEC inline assembly... no
checking if g++ supports XLC inline assembly... no
checking for assembly format... default-.text-.globl-:-_-L--0-1-1-0-0
checking for asssembly architecture... POWERPC32
checking for perl... perl
checking for pre-built assembly file... yes (atomic-powerpc32-osx.s)
checking for atomic assembly filename... atomic-powerpc32-osx.s

*** Fortran 77 compiler
checking whether we are using the GNU Fortran 77 compiler... yes
checking whether /Users/e6d/bin/g95 accepts -g... yes
checking if Fortran 77 compiler works... yes
checking /Users/e6d/bin/g95 external symbol convention... double underscore
checking if C and Fortran 77 are link compatible... yes
checking if Fortran 77 compiler supports LOGICAL... yes
checking size of Fortran 77 LOGICAL... configure: error: Could not determine size of LOGICAL

FFLAGS="-ffixed-form -i4 -fzero -g -ftrace=full"
FCFLAGS="-i4 -fzero -g -ftrace=full"
export F77
export FFLAGS
export FC
export FCFLAGS

./configure --enable-mpi-f90  \
        --with-mpi-f90-size=trivial \
        --with-mpi-param-check=always \
        F77=/Users/e6d/bin/g95 \
        FC=/Users/e6d/bin/g95 \
        FFLAGS=" -ffixed-form -i4  -fzero -g -ftrace=full " \
        FCFLAGS=" -ffixed-form -i4  -fzero -g -ftrace=full "  

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