Hi -

I'm trying to port an application to use OpenMPI, and running
into a problem.  The program (written in Python, parallelized
using either of "pypar" or "pyMPI") itself invokes "mpirun"
in order to manage external, parallel processes, via something like:

   orterun -np 2 python myapp.py

where myapp.py contains:

   os.system('orterun -np 2 nwchem.x nwchem.inp > nwchem.out')

I have this working under both LAM-MPI and MPICH on a variety
of different machines.  However, with OpenMPI,  all I get is an
immediate return from the system call and the error:

"OOB: Connection to HNP lost"

I have verified that the command passed to os.system is correct,
and even that it runs correctly if "myapp.py" doesn't invoke any
MPI calls of its own.

I'm testing openMPI on a single box, so there's no machinefile-stuff currently active. The system is running Fedora Core 6 x86-64, I'm using the latest openmpi-1.2.3-1.src.rpm rebuilt on the machine in question,
I can provide additional configuration details if necessary.

Thanks, in advance, for any help or advice,


Lev Gelb Associate Professor Department of Chemistry, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO 63130 USA

email: g...@wustl.edu
phone: (314)935-5026 fax:   (314)935-4481

http://www.chemistry.wustl.edu/~gelb ------------------------------------------------------------------

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