Try using the info parameter in MPI::Intracomm::Spawn().
In this structure, you can say in which hosts you want to spawn.

Info parameters for MPI spawn:

2007/12/12, Elena Zhebel <>:
>  Hello,
> I'm working on a MPI application where I'm using OpenMPI instead of MPICH.
> In my "master" program I call the function MPI::Intracomm::Spawn which
> spawns "slave" processes. It is not clear for me how to spawn the "slave"
> processes over the network. Currently "master" creates "slaves" on the same
> host.
> If I use 'mpirun --hostfile openmpi.hosts' then processes are spawn over
> the network as expected. But now I need to spawn processes over the network
> from my own executable using MPI::Intracomm::Spawn, how can I achieve it?
> Thanks in advance for any help.
> Elena
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