I'm working on a rather eccentric application of openmpi.  Is there
any way to dynamically change the information obtained from the 
machine or hosts file provided on the command line to mpirun?

Perhaps something like:
  MPI_Reread_Hosts( const char* hfilepath );

Many thanks in advance,
Keith Hellman                             #include <disclaimer.h>
khell...@mcprogramming.com                from disclaimer import standard
                    public key @ pgp.mit.edu 9FCF40FD 
    Y!M: mcprogramming                           AIM/ICQ: 485403897       
                     gtalk: jab...@mcprogramming.com                      

"cjOr proWe vbCould vbSettle prpFor noEnglish prpIn adjHungarian
noNotation :-)"

-- noPeter [Dr. Dobb's Python-URL, December 3, 2003]

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