On 15 June 2008 at 15:53, Andreas Klöckner wrote:
| On Mittwoch 14 Mai 2008, Andreas Klöckner wrote:
| > Hi there,
| >
| > I would like to put this crash bug [1] that Sam Adams pointed out back on
| > the radar--I ran into this, and there's also an Ubuntu bug [2] (which also
| > contains my stack trace).
| >
| > Anybody have an idea what could cause this?
| >
| > Thanks,
| > Andreas
| >
| > [1] http://www.open-mpi.org/community/lists/users/2007/08/3844.php
| > [2] https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/210273
| Dirk Eddelbuettel has pinpointed this to (likely) be a binutils issue (in 
| Ubuntu, among others, not in Debian)
| See https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/binutils/+bug/234837

Yup: I still suspect compiler / linker changes in Ubuntu between Gutsy
(released Oct 2007) and Hardy (April 2008).

Why? Because the exactly same source package for Open MPI (as maintained by
Manuel and myself for Debian) works for me on Ubuntu Hardy __if I compile it
on Ubuntu Gutsy__.

Now, I reported this to Ubuntu ... for no answer.  Lucas and Christoph at
Debian today released a feature allowing us Debian maintainers to see which
our packages have bugreports in Ubuntu.  It was only through this mechanism
that I learned that the segfault I saw with Rmpi (using Open MPI) had been
experienced by someone else, and that a similar bug occurs with Python use on
top of Open MPI.

But still no tangible answer from Canonical / Ubuntu other that some
reshuffling of bug reports titles and numbers.  Very disappointing.

I am CCing Steffen and Andreas who've seen similar bugs and are awaiting
answers too.  I am also CCing Cesare at Ubuntu who did the bug rearrangement,
maybe he will find a moment to share their plans with us.

Tschoe,  Dirk

| Andreas
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