On 5 August 2008 at 17:01, Ben Payne wrote:
| Hello.  I am not sure if this is the correct list to ask this
| question, so if you know of a more appropriate one please let me know.
| I think am looking for a LiveCD that supports MPI, specifically one
| that has mpif90 built in, and can easily mount external (USB) drives
| for storing data.
| I have access to 40 Windows computers in a lab that rarely gets used.
| I would like to use the computers to run a cluster during the
| weekends, but be able to not mess with the Windows installation that
| exists on the hard drive. Because of this, I think a LiveCD would be
| good, and one that supports PXE booting is even better.  If there is a
| better way to do this (run MPI, not disrupt Windows) please let me
| know.
| The applications that I want to run are originally written in
| Fortran90 and have been ported to MPI (by me) and compile with mpif90.
|  I have attempted to use ParallelKnoppix and PelicanHPC (see below)
| and have spoken to the author of the distro, but he isn't explicitly
| supporting mpif90.
| >From the list at
| http://www.knoppix.net/wiki/Cluster_Live_CD
| I have tried many distros.  Below are the results of my attempts with
| the LiveCDs:
| BCCD 2.2.1c7 [DHCP server, ssh "heartbeats"]:
| http://bccd.cs.uni.edu/
| mpiexec "command not found"
| mpirun -np 1 ./a.out   : "cannot execute binary file"
| mpif90: "no fortran 90 compiler specified when mpif90 was created"
| gfortran: "command not found"
| PelicanHPC (Debian)   [DHCP server, PXE boot]:
| http://pareto.uab.es/mcreel/PelicanHPC/
| mpirun works
| mpiexec works
| gfortran works
| mpif90: "command not found"
| ParallelKnoppix 2.9 (Knoppix) [DHCP server, PXE boot]:
| http://idea.uab.es/mcreel/ParallelKnoppix/
| mpirun -np 1 ./a.out     : "cannot execute binary file
| mpiexec -np 1 ./a.out     : "cannot execute binary file", "mpirun
| failed with exit status 252"
| gfortran works
| mpif90: "command not found"
| ifort: "command not found"
| lamexec -np 1 ./a.out    : "cannot execute binary file
| Note: mounting external drives is most intuitive in PK
| ClusterKnoppix: OpenMOSIX (no MPI)
| http://clusterknoppix.sw.be/
| Pai Pix: could not find on internet

You forgot Quantian, a large extension of clusterKnoppix and has OpenMOSIX as
well as MPI and PVM -- but I haven't updated it in a long-ish while. I think
I include LAM and MPICH, but I doubt it had f90.

However, it so happens that I am currently updating it (in a smaller format)
for a tutorial I am giving next week [1] and which covers MPI.  So the live
cdrom (based on current Debian testing, which will soon be the next release)
will give you a working KDE environment, emacs, and current Open MPI from
Debian which includes mpif77 and mpif90, plus a bunch of R goodies you may
not care too much about.  Interested? Ping me off-list.


[1] http://www.statistik.uni-dortmund.de/useR-2008//tutorials/eddelbuettel.html

| Thanks for your help,
| Ben
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