
 To monitor the environment from inside the application, it could be useful to
issue a 'system("printenv")' call at the very beginning of the main program,
even before (and after, btw) the MPI_Init call, when running in serial job mode
with a single CAB, using mpirun.

 HTH,               Gilbert.

On Fri, 31 Oct 2008, Hahn Kim wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm having problems using Open MPI on a cluster of Mercury Computer's Cell
> Accelerator Boards (CABs).
> We have an MPI application that is running on multiple CABs.  The application
> uses Mercury's MultiCore Framework (MCF) to use the Cell's SPEs.  Here's the
> basic problem.  I can log into each CAB and run the application in serial
> directly from the command line (i.e. without using mpirun) without a problem.
> I can also launch a serial job onto each CAB from another machine using mpirun
> without a problem.
> The problem occurs when I try to launch onto multiple CABs using mpirun.  MCF
> requires a license file.  After the application initializes MPI, it tries to
> initialized MCF on each node.  The initialization routine loads the MCF
> license file and checks for valid license keys.  If the keys are valid, then
> it continues to initialize MCF.  If not, it throws an error.
> When I run on multiple CABs, most of the time several of the CABs throw an
> error saying MCF cannot find a valid license key.  The strange this is that
> this behavior doesn't appear when I launch serial jobs using MCF, only
> multiple CABs.  Additionally, the errors are inconsistent.  Not all the CABs
> throw an error, sometimes a few of them error out, sometimes all of them,
> sometimes none.
> I've talked with the Mercury folks and they're just as stumped as I am.  The
> only thing we can think of is that OpenMPI is somehow modifying the
> environment and is interfering with MCF, but we can't think of any reason why.
> Any ideas out there?  Thanks.
> Hahn
> --
> Hahn Kim, h...@ll.mit.edu
> MIT Lincoln Laboratory
> 244 Wood St., Lexington, MA 02420
> Tel: 781-981-0940, Fax: 781-981-5255
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  Gilbert Grosdidier                 gilbert.grosdid...@in2p3.fr
  LAL / IN2P3 / CNRS                 Phone : +33 1 6446 8909
  Faculté des Sciences, Bat. 200     Fax   : +33 1 6446 8546
  B.P. 34, F-91898 Orsay Cedex (FRANCE)

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