install OpenMPI on both systems. Make sure they are in the same locations. Set up ssh so that it does not require a password between the two systems. MPI will use this to setup the communication.

Use the wrapper calls to compile,
mpicc -o ring_c ring_c.c

Use 'mpirun' to start the job, mpirun --help will give details of its usage.
mpirun -H machine1,machine2 -np 2 ./ring_c

Brock Palen
Center for Advanced Computing

On Nov 24, 2008, at 6:57 AM, Parav Pandit wrote:


I am new user of Open-MPI, using stable release 1.2.8.

I would like to run example program ring_c.c between two Linux systems using TCP/IP.

How can I do that?

Or there is any other example programs which I can use as reference to scale from 2 systems to 10 systems?

Parav Pandit

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