My guess would be that your count argument is overflowing. Is the count a signed 32 bit integer? If so it will overflow around 2GB. Try outputting the size that you are sending and see if you get large negative number.


Vittorio wrote:
Hi! I'm doing a test to measure the transfer rates and latency of ompi over infiniband

starting from 1 kB everything was doing fine until i wanted to transfer 2 GB and i received this error

[tatami:02271] *** An error occurred in MPI_Recv
[tatami:02271] *** on communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD
[tatami:02271] *** MPI_ERR_COUNT: invalid count argument
[tatami:02271] *** MPI_ERRORS_ARE_FATAL (goodbye)
[randori:12166] *** An error occurred in MPI_Send
[randori:12166] *** on communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD
[randori:12166] *** MPI_ERR_COUNT: invalid count argument
[randori:12166] *** MPI_ERRORS_ARE_FATAL (goodbye)

this error appears if i run the program either on the same node or both
is 2 GB the intrinsic limit of MPI_Send/MPI_Recv?

thanks a lot

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