On Mar 16, 2009, at 7:23 PM, justin oppenheim wrote:

I managed to run it just recently... It turns out that some libraries libib* were missing, as well as some others. I learned this by trying to install an old version of openmpi that was in the repository of my Suse Linux. The "software manager" of Suse told me the missing libraries for the old openmpi. After installing these libraries, the already installed new openmpi (downloaded from open- mpi.org) works. Maybe it is a good idea to spell this out on open- mpi web site. People would just install the openmpi without knowing that there might be some missing libraries...

The problems you described:

/programs/my_mpi_program: symbol lookup error: /programs/openmpi/lib/ libmpi_cxx.so.0: undefined symbol: ompi_registered_datareps

Should not have been caused by missing libib* libraries. The missing symbol that that error message talks about is a symbol in libmpi itself. It sounds more like you somehow had mis-matched versions of Open MPI installed / being used, perchance...?

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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