hm, so I am out of ideas. I created multiple variants of test-programs which did what you basically described, and they all passed and did not generate problems. I compiled the MUMPS library and ran the tests that they have in the examples directory, and they all worked.

Additionally, I checked in the source code of Open MPI. In comm_dup there is only a single location where we raise the error MPI_ERR_INTERN (which was reported in your email). I am fairly positive, that this can not occur, else we would segfault prior to that (it is a stupid check, don't ask). Furthermore, the code segment that has been modified does not raise anywhere MPI_ERR_INTERN. Of course, it could be a secondary effect and be created somewhere else (PML_ADD or collective module selection) and comm_dup just passes the error code up.

One way or the other, I need more hints on what the code does. Any chance of getting a smaller code fragment which replicates the problem? It could use the MUMPS library, I am fine with that since I just compiled and installed it with the current ompi trunk...


Edgar Gabriel wrote:
I would say the probability is large that it is due to the recent 'fix'. I will try to create a testcase similar to what you suggested. Could you give us maybe some hints on which functionality of MUMPS you are using, or even share the code/ a code fragment?


Jeff Squyres wrote:
Hey Edgar --

Could this have anything to do with your recent fixes?

On May 12, 2009, at 8:30 AM, Anton Starikov wrote:

hostfile from torque PBS_NODEFILE (OMPI is compilled with torque

It happens with or without rankfile.
Started with
mpirun -np 16 ./somecode

mca parameters:

btl = self,sm,openib
mpi_maffinity_alone = 1
rmaps_base_no_oversubscribe = 1 (rmaps_base_no_oversubscribe = 0
doesn't change it)

I tested with both: "btl=self,sm" on 16c-core nodes and
"btl=self,sm,openib" on 8x dual-core nodes , result is the same.

It looks like it always occurs exactly at the same point in the
execution, not at the beginning, it is not first MPI_Comm_dup in the

I can't say too much about particular piece of the code, where it is
happening, because it is in the 3rd-party library (MUMPS).  When error
occurs, MPI_Comm_dup in every task deals with single-task communicator
(MPI_Comm_split of initial MPI_Comm_world for 16 processes into 16
groups, 1 process per group). And I  can guess that before this error,
MPI_Comm_dup is called something like 100 of times by the same piece
of code on the same communicators without any problems.

I can say that it used to work correctly with all previous versions of
openmpi we used (1.2.8-1.3.2 and some earlier versions). It also works
correctly on other platforms/MPI implementations.

All environmental variables (PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH) are correct.
I recompiled code and 3rd-party libraries with this version of OMPI.


Edgar Gabriel
Assistant Professor
Parallel Software Technologies Lab
Department of Computer Science          University of Houston
Philip G. Hoffman Hall, Room 524        Houston, TX-77204, USA
Tel: +1 (713) 743-3857                  Fax: +1 (713) 743-3335

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