The MPI standard does not define any functions for taking checkpoints from the application.

The checkpoint/restart work in Open MPI is a command line driven, transparent solution. So the application does not have change in any way, and the user (or scheduler) must initiate the checkpoint from the command line (on the same node as the mpirun process).

We have experimented with adding Open MPI specific checkpoint/restart interfaces in the context of the MPI Forum. These prototypes have not made it to the Open MPI trunk. Some information about that particular development is at the link below:


On Jul 6, 2009, at 12:07 AM, Mallikarjuna Shastry wrote:

dear sir/madam

what are the mpi functins used for taking checkpoint and restart within applicaion in mpi programs and where do i get these functions from ?

with regards

mallikarjuna shastry

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