On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 3:26 PM, jody<jody....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> Are you also sure that you have the same version of Open-MPI
> on every machine of your cluster, and that it is the mpicxx of this
> version that is called when you run your program?
> I ask because you mentioned that there was an old version of Open-MPI
> present... die you remove this?
> Jody


I have just logged in a few other boxes and they all mount my home
folder. When running `echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH` and other commands, I get
what I expect to get, but this might be because I have set these
variables in the .bashrc file. So, I tried compiling/running like this
 ~/local/bin/mpicxx [stuff] and ~/local/bin/mpirun -np 4 ray-trace,
but I get the same errors.

As for the previous version, I don't have root access, therefore I was
not able to remove it. I was just trying to outrun it by setting the
$PATH variable to point first at my local installation.



Catalin David
B.Sc. Computer Science 2010
Jacobs University Bremen

Phone: +49-(0)1577-49-38-667

College Ring 4, #343
Bremen, 28759

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