On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 10:08 AM, George Bosilca<bosi...@eecs.utk.edu> wrote:
> The leave pinned will not help in this context. It can only help for devices
> capable of real RMA operations and that require pinned memory, which
> unfortunately is not the case for TCP. What is [really] strange about your
> results is that you get a 4 times better bandwidth over TCP than over shared
> memory. Over TCP there are 2 extra memory copies (compared with sm) plus a
> bunch of syscalls, so there is absolutely no reason to get better
> performance.
> The Open MPI version is something you compiled or it came installed with the
> OS? If you compiled it can you please provide us the configure line?

OpenMPI was compiled from source v1.3 with only a --prefix line, no
other options.

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