I've verified that ulimit -l is unlimited everywhere.

After further testing I think the errors are related to OFED not openmpi.
I've uninstalled the OFED that comes with SLES (1.4.0) and installed OFED 1.4.2 and 1.5-beta and I don't get the errors.

I got the idea to swap out OFED that after reading this:

Under OFED 1.4.0 (from SLES 11) I had to set options mlx4_core msi_x=0 in /etc/modprobe.conf.local to even get the mlx4 module to load.
I found that advice here:
(Under 1.4.2 and 1.5-Beta the modules load fine without mlx4_core msi_x=0 being set)

Now my problem is that with OFED 1.4.2 and 1.5-beta the system hang and the GigE network stops working and I have to power cycle nodes to login.

I'm going to try to get some help from the OFED mailing list now.
Pavel Shamis (Pasha) wrote:
Very strange. MPI tries to access CQ context and it get immediate error.
Please make sure that you limits configuration is ok, take a look on this FAQ - http://www.open-mpi.org/faq/?category=openfabrics#ib-locked-pages


Charles Wright wrote:
   I just got some new cluster hardware :)  :(

I can't seem to overcome an openib problem
I get this at run time

    error polling HP CQ with -2 errno says Success

I've tried 2 different IB switches and multiple sets of nodes all on one switch or the other to try to eliminate the hardware. (IPoIB pings work and IB switches ree I've tried both v1.3.3 and v1.2.9 and get the same errors. I'm not really sure what these errors mean or how to get rid of them. My MPI application work if all the CPUs are on the same node (self btl only probably)

Any advice would be appreciated.  Thanks.

asnrcw@dmc:~> qsub -I -l nodes=32,partition=dmc,feature=qc226 -q sysadm
qsub: waiting for job 232035.mds1.asc.edu to start
qsub: job 232035.mds1.asc.edu ready

#         Alabama Supercomputer Center - PBS Prologue
# Your job id is : 232035
# Your job name is : STDIN
# Your job's queue is : sysadm
# Your username for this job is : asnrcw
# Your group    for this job is : analyst
# Your job used : #       8 CPUs on dmc101
#       8 CPUs on dmc102
#       8 CPUs on dmc103
#       8 CPUs on dmc104
# Your job started at : Fri Sep 25 10:20:05 CDT 2009
asnrcw@dmc101:~> asnrcw@dmc101:~> asnrcw@dmc101:~> asnrcw@dmc101:~> asnrcw@dmc101:~> cd mpiprintrank
asnrcw@dmc101:~/mpiprintrank> which mpirun
asnrcw@dmc101:~/mpiprintrank> mpirun ./mpiprintrank-dmc-1.3.3-intel [dmc103][[46071,1],19][btl_openib_component.c:3047:poll_device] error polling HP CQ with -2 errno says Success [dmc103][[46071,1],16][btl_openib_component.c:3047:poll_device] error polling HP CQ with -2 errno says Success [dmc103][[46071,1],17][btl_openib_component.c:3047:poll_device] error polling HP CQ with -2 errno says Success [dmc103][[46071,1],18][btl_openib_component.c:3047:poll_device] error polling HP CQ with -2 errno says Success [dmc103][[46071,1],20][btl_openib_component.c:3047:poll_device] error polling HP CQ with -2 errno says Success [dmc103][[46071,1],21][btl_openib_component.c:3047:poll_device] error polling HP CQ with -2 errno says Success [dmc103][[46071,1],23][btl_openib_component.c:3047:poll_device] error polling HP CQ with -2 errno says Success [dmc101][[46071,1],6][btl_openib_component.c:3047:poll_device] [dmc102][[46071,1],14][btl_openib_component.c:3047:poll_device] error polling HP CQ with -2 errno says Success
error polling HP CQ with -2 errno says Success
[dmc101][[46071,1],7][btl_openib_component.c:3047:poll_device] error polling HP CQ with -2 errno says Success [dmc103][[46071,1],22][btl_openib_component.c:3047:poll_device] error polling HP CQ with -2 errno says Success [dmc102][[46071,1],15][btl_openib_component.c:3047:poll_device] error polling HP CQ with -2 errno says Success [dmc102][[46071,1],11][btl_openib_component.c:3047:poll_device] error polling HP CQ with -2 errno says Success [dmc102][[46071,1],11][btl_openib_component.c:3047:poll_device] [dmc102][[46071,1],12][btl_openib_component.c:3047:poll_device] error polling HP CQ with -2 errno says Success [dmc102][[46071,1],12][btl_openib_component.c:3047:poll_device] error polling HP CQ with -2 errno says Success
error polling HP CQ with -2 errno says Success
[dmc101][[46071,1],3][btl_openib_component.c:3047:poll_device] error polling HP CQ with -2 errno says Success [dmc101][[46071,1],4][btl_openib_component.c:3047:poll_device] [dmc102][[46071,1],8][btl_openib_component.c:3047:poll_device] error polling HP CQ with -2 errno says Success [dmc101][[46071,1],0][btl_openib_component.c:3047:poll_device] error polling HP CQ with -2 errno says Success
error polling HP CQ with -2 errno says Success
[dmc102][[46071,1],15][btl_openib_component.c:3047:poll_device] error polling HP CQ with -2 errno says Success [dmc101][[46071,1],1][btl_openib_component.c:3047:poll_device] error polling HP CQ with -2 errno says Success [dmc102][[46071,1],9][btl_openib_component.c:3047:poll_device] [dmc102][[46071,1],14][btl_openib_component.c:3047:poll_device] error polling HP CQ with -2 errno says Success
error polling HP CQ with -2 errno says Success
[dmc102][[46071,1],9][btl_openib_component.c:3047:poll_device] error polling HP CQ with -2 errno says Success [dmc101][[46071,1],5][btl_openib_component.c:3047:poll_device] error polling HP CQ with -2 errno says Success [dmc102][[46071,1],13][btl_openib_component.c:3047:poll_device] error polling HP CQ with -2 errno says Success [dmc102][[46071,1],13][btl_openib_component.c:3047:poll_device] [dmc101][[46071,1],2][btl_openib_component.c:3047:poll_device] error polling HP CQ with -2 errno says Success error polling HP CQ with -2 errno says Success[dmc102][[46071,1],10][btl_openib_component.c:3047:poll_device] error polling HP CQ with -2 errno says Success [dmc102][[46071,1],10][btl_openib_component.c:3047:poll_device] error polling HP CQ with -2 errno says Success [dmc102][[46071,1],8][btl_openib_component.c:3047:poll_device] error polling HP CQ with -2 errno says Success

System info:
Compute nodes:
Which has an integrated Mellanox Technologies MT26418 [ConnectX IB DDR, PCIe 2.0 5GT/s] (rev a0)

asnrcw@dmc129:~> uname -a

Linux dmc129 #1 SMP 2009-08-15 17:53:59 +0200 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

asnrcw@dmc129:~> rpm -qa | grep ofed



asnrcw@dmc129:~> cat /etc/SuSE-release
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (x86_64)




Subnet manager is running an a Voltaire 9024 DM Switch (firmware version 5.1.0)

asnrcw@dmc129:~> ibv_devinfo

hca_id: mlx4_0

       fw_ver:                         2.6.000

       node_guid:                      0030:48c8:b919:0000

       sys_image_guid:                 0030:48c8:b919:0003

       vendor_id:                      0x02c9

       vendor_part_id:                 26418

       hw_ver:                         0xA0

       board_id:                       SM_2081000001000

       phys_port_cnt:                  1

               port:   1

                       state:                  PORT_ACTIVE (4)

                       max_mtu:                2048 (4)

                       active_mtu:             2048 (4)

                       sm_lid:                 1

                       port_lid:               139

                       port_lmc:               0x00

asnrcw@dmc129:~> ulimit -l


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Charles Wright, HPC Systems Specialist
Computer Sciences Corporation
High Performance Computing Center of Excellence

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