On Sep 28, 2009, at 12:17 PM, Blosch, Edwin L wrote:

Command: ['mpirun', '--prefix /usr/mpi/intel/openmpi-1.2.8', '-np 8', '--mca btl

Ah, yes, this would definitely be a problem.

whereas if I take the additional step of removing spaces from the arguments, it works:

Command: ['mpirun', '--prefix', '/usr/mpi/intel/openmpi-1.2.8', '--machinefile', '/var/spool/torque/aux/7854.fwnaeglingio', '-np', '8', '--mca', 'btl', '^tcp', '--mca', 'mpi_leave_pinned', '1', '-- mca', 'mpool_base_use_mem_hooks', '1', '-x', 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH', '- x', 'MPI_ENVIRONMENT=1', '/tmp/7854.fwnaeglingio/ falconv4_ibm_openmpi', '-cycles', '10', '-ri', 'restart.5010', '- ro', '/tmp/7854.fwnaeglingio/restart.5010']

Somehow the handling of the argv list by orterun has changed in 1.2.8 as compared to 1.2.2-1, as the spawned command used to execute just fine.

I'm guessing the elements in argv used to be split on spaces first, before being parsed, whereas now they are not, resulting in the first string being reported as an unrecognized option.

I don't think we've changed that level of command line parsing in a long, long time, but then again 1.2.2 is a pretty long time ago. So I guess it's possible...? (I honestly don't remember)

Jeff Squyres

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