I am wondering whether this is really due to the usage of File_write_all. We had a bug in in 1.3 series so far (which will be fixed in 1.3.4) where we lost message segments and thus had a deadlock in Comm_dup if there was communication occurring *right after* the Comm_dup. File_open executes a comm_dup internally.

If you replace write_all by write, you are avoiding the communication. If you replace ib by tcp, your entire timing is different and you might accidentally not see the deadlock...

Just my $0.02 ...


Dorian Krause wrote:
Dear list,

the attached program deadlocks in MPI_File_write_all when run with 16 processes on two 8 core nodes of an Infiniband cluster. It runs fine when I

a) use tcp
b) replace MPI_File_write_all by MPI_File_write

I'm using openmpi V. 1.3.2 (but I checked that the problem is also occurs with version 1.3.3). The OFED version is 1.4 (installed via Rocks). The Operating system is CentOS 5.2

I compile with gcc-4.1.2. The openmpi configure flags are

../../configure --prefix=/share/apps/openmpi/1.3.2/gcc-4.1.2/ --with-io-romio-flags=--with-file-system=nfs+ufs+pvfs2 --with-wrapper-ldflags=-L/share/apps/pvfs2/lib CPPFLAGS=-I/share/apps/pvfs2/include/ LDFLAGS=-L/share/apps/pvfs2/lib LIBS=-lpvfs2 -lpthread

The user home directories are mounted via nfs.

Is it a problem with the user code, the system or with openmpi?



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