It -should- work, but you need password-less ssh setup. See our FAQ for how to do that, if you are unfamiliar with it.

On Nov 10, 2009, at 2:02 PM, Qing Pang wrote:

I'm having problem getting the mpirun "preload-binary" option to work.

I'm using ubutu8.10 with openmpi 1.3.3, nodes connected with Ethernet cable. If I copy the executable to client nodes using scp, then do mpirun, everything works.

But I really want to avoid the copying, so I tried the -preload- binary option.

When I typed the command on my master node as below (gordon-desktop is my master node, and gordon-laptop is the client node):

gordon_at_gordon-desktop:~/Desktop/openmpi-1.3.3/examples$  mpirun
-machinefile machine.linux -np 2 --preload-binary $(pwd)/hello_c.out

I got the following:

gordon_at_gordon-desktop's password: (I entered my password here, why am I asked for the password? I am working under this account anyway)

WARNING: Remote peer ([[18118,0],1]) failed to preload a file.

Exit Status: 256
Local File: /tmp/openmpi-sessions-gordon_at_gordon-laptop_0/18118/0/ hello_c.out
Remote File: /home/gordon/Desktop/openmpi-1.3.3/examples/hello_c.out
scp gordon-desktop:/home/gordon/Desktop/openmpi-1.3.3/examples/ hello_c.out

Will continue attempting to launch the process(es).
mpirun was unable to launch the specified application as it could not access
or execute an executable:

Executable: /home/gordon/Desktop/openmpi-1.3.3/examples/hello_c.out
Node: node1

while attempting to start process rank 1.

Had anyone succeeded with the 'preload-binary' option with the similar settings? I assume this mpirun option should work when compiling openmpi with default options? Anything I need to set?


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