To avoid misunderstandings:

Am 11.11.2009 um 00:19 schrieb Eloi Gaudry:

On any execution node, creating a subdirectory of /opt/sge/tmp (i.e. creating a session directory inside $TMPDIR) results in a new directory own by the user/group that submitted the job (not nobody/ nogroup).

$TMPDIR is in this case /opt/sge/tmp/<joib_id>.<task_id>.<qname>

I really meant to create a directory in /opt/sge/tmp by hand with mkdir, but on the execution node which mounts /opt/sge.

-- Reuti

If I switch back to a shared /opt/sge/tmp directory, all session directories created by sge got nobody/nogroup as owner.


On 11/11/2009 00:14, Reuti wrote:
Am 11.11.2009 um 00:03 schrieb Eloi Gaudry:

The user/group used to generate the temporary directories was nobody/nogroup, when using a shared $tmpdir. Now that I'm using a local $tmpdir (one for each node, not distributed over nfs), the right credentials (i.e. my username/ groupname) are used to create the session directory inside $tmpdir, which in turn allows OpenMPI to successfully create its session subdirectories.

Aha, this explains why it's working now - so it's not an SGE issue IMHO.

Question: when a user on the execution node goes to /opt/sge/tmp and creates a directory on the command line with mkdir: what group/ user is used then?

-- Reuti


On 10/11/2009 23:51, Reuti wrote:
Hi Eloi,

Am 10.11.2009 um 23:42 schrieb Eloi Gaudry:

I followed your advice and switched to a local "tmpdir" instead of a share one. This solved the session directory issue, thanks for your
help !

what user/group is no listed for the generated temporary directories
(i.e. $TMPDIR)?

-- Reuti

However, I cannot understand how the issue disappeared. Any input
would be welcome as I really like to understand how SGE/OpenMPI could failed when using such a configuration (i.e. with a shared "tmpdir").


On 10/11/2009 19:17, Eloi Gaudry wrote:

The acl here were just added when I tried to force the /opt/ sge/tmp subdirectories to be 777 (which I did when I first encountered the error of subdirectories creation within OpenMPI). I don't think the
info I'll provide will be meaningfull here:

moe:~# getfacl /opt/sge/tmp
getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names
# file: opt/sge/tmp
# owner: sgeadmin
# group: fft

I'll try to use a local directory instead of a shared one for
"tmpdir". But as this issue seems somehow related to permissions, I
don't know if this would eventually be the rigth solution.

Thanks for your help,

Reuti wrote:

Am 10.11.2009 um 19:01 schrieb Eloi Gaudry:


I'm using "tmpdir" as a shared directory that contains the session
directories created during job submission, not for computing or
local storage. Doesn't the session directory (i.e.
job_id.queue_name) need to be shared among all computing nodes (at least the ones that would be used with orted during the parallel
computation) ?

no. orted runs happily with local $TMPDIR on each and every node. The $TMPDIRs are intended to be used by the user for any temporary
data for his job, as they are created and removed by SGE
automatically for every job for his convenience.

All sequential job run fine, as no write operation is performed in

All users are known on the computing nodes and the master node
(with use ldap authentication on all nodes).

As for the access checkings:
moe:~# ls -alrtd /opt/sge/tmp
drwxrwxrwx+ 2 sgeadmin fft 4096 2009-11-10 18:28 /opt/sge/tmp

Aha, the + tells that there are some ACLs set:

getfacl /opt/sge/tmp

And for the parallel environment configuration:
moe:~# qconf -sp round_robin
pe_name            round_robin
slots              32
user_lists         NONE
xuser_lists        NONE
start_proc_args    /bin/true
stop_proc_args     /bin/true
allocation_rule    $round_robin
control_slaves     TRUE
job_is_first_task  FALSE
urgency_slots      min
accounting_summary FALSE

Okay, fine.

-- Reuti

Thanks for your help,

Reuti wrote:
Am 10.11.2009 um 18:20 schrieb Eloi Gaudry:

Thanks for your help Reuti,

I'm using a nfs-shared directory (/opt/sge/tmp), exported from
the master node to all others computing nodes.

It's higly advisable to have the "tmpdir" local on each node.
When you use "cd $TMPDIR" in your jobscript, all is done local on a node (when your application will just create the scratch file
in your current working directory) which will speed up the
computation and decrease the network traffic. Computing in as
shared /opt/sge/tmp is like computing in each user's home directory.

To avoid that any user can remove someone else's files, the "t"
flag is set like for /tmp: drwxrwxrwt 14 root root 4096
2009-11-10 18:35 /tmp/


 with for /etc/export on server (named moe.fft):   /opt/sge,sync,no_subtree_check)
               /etc/fstab on
/opt/sge                                nfs
rw,bg,soft,timeo=14, 0 0
Actually, the /opt/sge/tmp directory is 777 across all machines,
thus all user should be able to create a directory inside.

All access checkings will be applied:

- on the server: what is "ls -d /opt/sge/tmp" showing?
- the one from the export (this seems to be fine)
- the one on the node (i.e., how it's mounted: cat /etc/fstab)

The issue seems somehow related to the session directory created
inside /opt/sge/tmp, let's stay /opt/sge/tmp/29.1.smp8.q for
example for the job 29 on queue smp8.q. This subdirectory of
/opt/sge/tmp is created with nobody:nogroup drwxr-xr-x
permissions... which in turn forbids

Did you try to run some simple jobs before the parallel ones -
are these working? The daemons (qmaster and execd) were started
as root?

The user is known on the file server, i.e. the machine hosting

OpenMPI to create its subtree inside (as OpenMPI won't use
nobody:nogroup credentials).

In SGE the master process (the one running the job script) will create the /opt/sge/tmp/29.1.smp8.q and also each started qrsh inside SGE - all with the same name. What is your definition of
the PE in SGE which you use?

-- Reuti

Ad Ralph suggested, I checked the SGE configuration, but I
haven't found anything related to nobody:nogroup configuration
so far.


Reuti wrote:

Am 10.11.2009 um 17:55 schrieb Eloi Gaudry:

Thanks for your help Ralph, I'll double check that.

As for the error message received, there might be some
"/opt/sge/tmp/25.1.smp8.q/openmpi-sessions-eg@charlie_0" is the

often /opt/sge is shared across the nodes, while the /tmp
(sometimes implemented as /scratch in a partition on its own)
should be local on each node.

What is the setting of "tmpdir" in your queue definition?

If you want to share /opt/sge/tmp, everyone must be able to
write into this location. As for me it's working fine (with the
local /tmp), I assume the nobody/nogroup comes from any
squash-setting in the /etc/export of you master node.

-- Reuti

parent directory and
"/opt/sge/tmp/25.1.smp8.q/openmpi-sessions- eg@charlie_0/53199/0/0"
is the subdirectory... not the other way around.


Ralph Castain wrote:
Creating a directory with such credentials sounds like a bug
in SGE to me...perhaps an SGE config issue?

Only thing you could do is tell OMPI to use some other
directory as the root for its session dir tree - check
"mpirun -h", or ompi_info for the required option.

But I would first check your SGE config as that just doesn't
sound right.

On Nov 10, 2009, at 9:40 AM, Eloi Gaudry wrote:

Hi there,

I'm experiencing some issues using GE6.2U4 and OpenMPI-1.3.3
(with gridengine compnent).

During any job submission, SGE creates a session directory
in $TMPDIR, named after the job id and the computing node
name. This session directory is created using nobody/ nogroup

When using OpenMPI with tight-integration, opal creates
different subdirectories in this session directory. The
issue I'm facing now is that OpenMPI fails to create these

[charlie:03882] opal_os_dirpath_create: Error: Unable to
create the sub-directory
(/opt/sge/tmp/25.1.smp8.q/openmpi-sessions- eg@charlie_0) of
[charlie:03882] [[53199,0],0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Error in file
../../openmpi-1.3.3/orte/util/session_dir.c at line 101
[charlie:03882] [[53199,0],0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Error in file
../../openmpi-1.3.3/orte/util/session_dir.c at line 425
[charlie:03882] [[53199,0],0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Error in file ../../../../../openmpi-1.3.3/orte/mca/ess/hnp/ ess_hnp_module.c
at line 273
--------------------------------------------------------- -----------------

It looks like orte_init failed for some reason; your
parallel process is
likely to abort.  There are many reasons that a parallel
process can
fail during orte_init; some of which are due to
configuration or
environment problems.  This failure appears to be an
internal failure;
here's some additional information (which may only be
relevant to an
Open MPI developer):

orte_session_dir failed
--> Returned value Error (-1) instead of ORTE_SUCCESS
--------------------------------------------------------- -----------------

[charlie:03882] [[53199,0],0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Error in file
../../openmpi-1.3.3/orte/runtime/orte_init.c at line 132
--------------------------------------------------------- -----------------

It looks like orte_init failed for some reason; your
parallel process is
likely to abort.  There are many reasons that a parallel
process can
fail during orte_init; some of which are due to
configuration or
environment problems.  This failure appears to be an
internal failure;
here's some additional information (which may only be
relevant to an
Open MPI developer):

orte_ess_set_name failed
--> Returned value Error (-1) instead of ORTE_SUCCESS
--------------------------------------------------------- -----------------

[charlie:03882] [[53199,0],0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Error in file
../../../../openmpi-1.3.3/orte/tools/orterun/orterun.c at
line 473

This seems very likely related to the permissions set on

I'd like to know if someone might have experienced the same
or a similar issue and if any solution was found.

Thanks for your help,

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