Hi Gus and List,

1st of all Gus, I want to say thanks.. you have been a huge help, and when I
get this fixed, I owe you big time!

However, the problems continue...

I formatted the HD, reinstalled OS to make sure that I was working from
scratch.  I did your step A, which seemed to go fine:

macmanes@macmanes:~$ which mpicc
macmanes@macmanes:~$ which mpirun

Good stuff there...

I then compiled the example files:

/home/macmanes/apps/openmpi1.4/bin/mpirun -np 8 ring_c
Process 0 sending 10 to 1, tag 201 (8 processes in ring)
Process 0 sent to 1
Process 0 decremented value: 9
Process 0 decremented value: 8
Process 0 decremented value: 7
Process 0 decremented value: 6
Process 0 decremented value: 5
Process 0 decremented value: 4
Process 0 decremented value: 3
Process 0 decremented value: 2
Process 0 decremented value: 1
Process 0 decremented value: 0
Process 0 exiting
Process 1 exiting
Process 2 exiting
Process 3 exiting
Process 4 exiting
Process 5 exiting
Process 6 exiting
Process 7 exiting
/home/macmanes/apps/openmpi1.4/bin/mpirun -np 8 connectivity_c
Connectivity test on 8 processes PASSED.
/home/macmanes/apps/openmpi1.4/bin/mpirun -np 8 connectivity_c

this is maddening because ring_c works.. and connectivity_c worked the 1st
time, but not the second... I did it 10 times, and it worked twice.. here is
the TOP screenshot:


What is the difference between connectivity_c and ring_c? Under what
circumstances should one fail and not the other...

I'm off to the Linux forums to see about the Nehalem kernel issues..


On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 13:25, Gus Correa <g...@ldeo.columbia.edu> wrote:

> Hi Matthew
> There is no point in trying to troubleshoot MrBayes and ABySS
> if not even the OpenMPI test programs run properly.
> You must straighten them out first.
> **
> Suggestions:
> **
> A) While you are at OpenMPI, do yourself a favor,
> and install it from source on a separate directory.
> Who knows if the OpenMPI package distributed with Ubuntu
> works right on Nehalem?
> Better install OpenMPI yourself from source code.
> It is not a big deal, and may save you further trouble.
> Recipe:
> 1) Install gfortran and g++ if you don't have them using apt-get.
> 2) Put the OpenMPI tarball in, say /home/matt/downolads/openmpi
> 3) Make another install directory *not in the system directory tree*.
> Something like "mkdir /home/matt/apps/openmpi-X.Y.Z/" (X.Y.Z=version)
> will work
> 4) cd /home/matt/downolads/openmpi
> 5) ./configure CC=gcc CXX=g++ F77=gfortran FC=gfortran  \
> --prefix=/home/matt/apps/openmpi-X.Y.Z
> (Use the prefix flag to install in the directory of item 3.)
> 6) make
> 7) make install
> 8) At the bottom of your /home/matt/.bashrc or .profile file
> put these lines:
> export PATH=/home/matt/apps/openmpi-X.Y.Z/bin:${PATH}
> export MANPATH=/home/matt/apps/openmpi-X.Y.Z/share/man:`man -w`
> export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=home/matt/apps/openmpi-X.Y.Z/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
> (If you use csh/tcsh use instead:
> setenv PATH /home/matt/apps/openmpi-X.Y.Z/bin:${PATH}
> etc)
> 9) Logout and login again to freshen um the environment variables.
> 10) Do "which mpicc"  to check that it is pointing to your newly
> installed OpenMPI.
> 11) Recompile and rerun the OpenMPI test programs
> with 2, 4, 8, 16, .... processors.
> Use full path names to mpicc and to mpirun,
> if the change of PATH above doesn't work right.
> ********
> B) Nehalem is quite new hardware.
> I don't know if the Ubuntu kernel 2.6.31-16 fully supports all
> of Nehalem features, particularly hyperthreading, and NUMA,
> which are used by MPI programs.
> I am not the right person to give you advice about this.
> I googled out but couldn't find a clear information about
> minimal kernel age/requirements to have Nehalem fully supported.
> Some Nehalem owner in the list could come forward and tell.
> **
> C) On the top screenshot you sent me, please try it again
> (after you do item A) but type "f" and "j" to show the processors
> that are running each process.
> **
> D) Also, the screeshot shows 20GB of memory.
> This sounds not as a optimal memory for Nehalem,
> which tend to be 6GB, 12GB, 24GB, 48GB.
> Did you put together the system, or upgraded the memory yourself,
> of did you buy the computer as is?
> However, this should not break MPI anyway.
> **
> E) Answering your question:
> It is true that different flavors of MPI
> used to compile (mpicc) and run (mpiexec) a program would probably
> break right away, regardless of the number of processes.
> However, when it comes to different versions of the
> same MPI flavor (say OpenMPI 1.3.4 and OpenMPI 1.3.3)
> I am not sure it will break.
> I would guess it may run but not in a reliable way.
> Problems may appear as you stress the system with more cores, etc.
> But this is just a guess.
> **
> I hope this helps,
> Gus Correa
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Gustavo Correa
> Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory - Columbia University
> Palisades, NY, 10964-8000 - USA
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Matthew MacManes wrote:
>> Hi Gus,
>> Interestingly the results for the connectivity_c test... works fine with
>> -np <8. For -np >8 it works some of the time, other times it HANGS. I have
>> got to believe that this is a big clue!! Also, when it hangs, sometimes I
>> get the message "mpirun was unable to cleanly terminate the daemons on the
>> nodes shown below" Note that NO nodes are shown below.   Once, I got -np 250
>> to pass the connectivity test, but I was not able to replicate this
>> reliable, so I'm not sure if it was a fluke, or what.  Here is a like to a
>> screenshop of TOP when connectivity_c is hung with -np 14.. I see that 2
>> processes are only at 50% CPU usage.. Hmmmm
>> http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/87zVEucBNFaQ0TieNVZtdw?authkey=Gv1sRgCLKokNOVqo7BYw&feat=directlink<
>> http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/87zVEucBNFaQ0TieNVZtdw?authkey=Gv1sRgCLKokNOVqo7BYw&feat=directlink
>> >
>> The other tests, ring_c, hello_c, as well as the cxx versions of these
>> guys with with all values of -np.
>> Using -mca mpi-paffinity_alone 1 I get the same behavior.
>> I agree that I am should worry about the mismatch between where the
>> libraries are installed versus where I am telling my programs to look for
>> them. Would this type of mismatch cause behavior like what I am seeing, i.e.
>> working with  a small number of processors, but failing with larger?  It
>> seems like a mismatch would have the same effect regardless of the number of
>> processors used. Maybe I am mistaken. Anyway, to address this, which mpirun
>> gives me /usr/local/bin/mpirun.. so to configure ./configure
>> --with-mpi=/usr/local/bin/mpirun and to run /usr/local/bin/mpirun -np X ...
>>  This should
>> uname -a gives me: Linux macmanes 2.6.31-16-generic #52-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec
>> 3 22:07:16 UTC 2006 x86_64 GNU/Linux
>> Matt
>> On Dec 8, 2009, at 8:50 PM, Gus Correa wrote:
>>  Hi Matthew
>>> Please see comments/answers inline below.
>>> Matthew MacManes wrote:
>>>> Hi Gus, Thanks for your ideas.. I have a few questions, and will try to
>>>> answer yours in hopes of solving this!!
>>> A simple way to test OpenMPI on your system is to run the
>>> test programs that come with the OpenMPI source code,
>>> hello_c.c, connectivity_c.c, and ring_c.c:
>>> http://www.open-mpi.org/
>>> Get the tarball from the OpenMPI site, gzip and untar it,
>>> and look for it in the "examples" directory.
>>> Compile it with /your/path/to/openmpi/bin/mpicc hello_c.c
>>> Run it with /your/path/to/openmpi/bin/mpiexec -np X a.out
>>> using X = 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, ...
>>> This will tell if your OpenMPI is functional,
>>> and if you can run on many Nehalem cores,
>>> even with oversubscription perhaps.
>>> It will also set the stage for further investigation of your
>>> actual programs.
>>>  Should I worry about setting things like --num-cores --bind-to-cores?
>>>>  This, I think, gets at your questions about processor affinity.. Am I
>>>> right? I could not exactly figure out the -mca mpi-paffinity_alone stuff...
>>> I use the simple minded -mca mpi-paffinity_alone 1.
>>> This is probably the easiest way to assign a process to a core.
>>> There more complex  ways in OpenMPI, but I haven't tried.
>>> Indeed, -mca mpi-paffinity_alone 1 does improve performance of
>>> our programs here.
>>> There is a chance that without it the 16 virtual cores of
>>> your Nehalem get confused with more than 3 processes
>>> (you reported that -np > 3 breaks).
>>> Did you try adding just -mca mpi-paffinity_alone 1  to
>>> your mpiexec command line?
>>>  1. Additional load: nope. nothing else, most of the time not even
>>>> firefox.
>>> Good.
>>> Turn off firefox, etc, to make it even better.
>>> Ideally, use runlevel 3, no X, like a computer cluster node,
>>> but this may not be required.
>>>  2. RAM: no problems apparent when monitoring through TOP. Interesting, I
>>>> did wonder about oversubscription, so I tried the option
>>>> --nooversubscription, but this gave me an error mssage.
>>> Oversubscription from your program would only happen if
>>> you asked for more processes than available cores, i.e.,
>>> -np > 8 (or "virtual" cores, in case of Nehalem hyperthreading,
>>> -np > 16).
>>> Since you have -np=4 there is no oversubscription,
>>> unless you have other external load (e.g. Matlab, etc),
>>> but you said you don't.
>>> Yet another possibility would be if your program is threaded
>>> (e.g. using OpenMP along with MPI), but considering what you
>>> said about OpenMP I would guess the programs don't use it.
>>> For instance, you launch the program with 4 MPI processes,
>>> and each process decides to start, say, 8 OpenMP threads.
>>> You end up with 32 threads and 8 (real) cores (or 16 hyperthreaded
>>> ones on Nehalem).
>>> What else does top say?
>>> Any hog processes (memory- or CPU-wise)
>>> besides your program processes?
>>>  3. I have not tried other MPI flavors.. Ive been speaking to the authors
>>>> of the programs, and they are both using openMPI.
>>> I was not trying to convince you to use another MPI.
>>> I use MPICH2 also, but OpenMPI reigns here.
>>> The idea or trying it with MPICH2 was just to check whether OpenMPI
>>> is causing the problem, but I don't think it is.
>>>  4. I don't think that this is a problem, as I'm specifying
>>>> --with-mpi=/usr/bin/...  when I compile the programs. Is there any other 
>>>> way
>>>> to be sure that this is not a problem?
>>> Hmmm ....
>>> I don't know about your Ubuntu (we have CentOS and Fedora on various
>>> machines).
>>> However, most Linux distributions come with their MPI flavors,
>>> and so do compilers, etc.
>>> Often times they install these goodies in unexpected places,
>>> and this has caused a lot of frustration.
>>> There are tons of postings on this list that eventually
>>> boiled down to mismatched versions of MPI in unexpected places.
>>> The easy way is to use full path names to compile and to run.
>>> Something like this:
>>> /my/openmpi/bin/mpicc on your program configuration script),
>>> and something like this
>>> /my/openmpi/bin/mpiexec -np  ... bla, bla ...
>>> when you submit the job.
>>> You can check your version with "which mpicc", "which mpiexec",
>>> and (perhaps using full path names) with
>>> "ompi_info", "mpicc --showme", "mpiexec --help".
>>>  5. I had not been, and you could see some shuffling when monitoring the
>>>> load on specific processors. I have tried to use --bind-to-cores to deal
>>>> with this. I don't understand how to use the -mca options you asked about.
>>>> 6. I am using Ubuntu 9.10. gcc 4.4.1 and g++  4.4.1
>>> I am afraid I won't be of help, because I don't have Nehalem.
>>> However, I read about Nehalem requiring quite recent kernels
>>> to get all of its features working right.
>>> What is the output of "uname -a"?
>>> This will tell the kernel version, etc.
>>> Other list subscribers may give you a suggestion if you post the
>>> information.
>>>  MyBayes is a for bayesian phylogenetics:
>>>> http://mrbayes.csit.fsu.edu/wiki/index.php/Main_Page ABySS: is a
>>>> program for assembly of DNA sequence data:
>>>> http://www.bcgsc.ca/platform/bioinfo/software/abyss
>>> Thanks for the links!
>>> I had found the MrBayes link.
>>> I eventually found what your ABySS was about, but no links.
>>> Amazing that it is about DNA/gene sequencing.
>>> Our abyss here is the deep ocean ... :)
>>> Abysmal difference!
>>>  Do the programs mix MPI (message passing) with OpenMP (threads)?
>>>> Im honestly not sure what this means..
>>> Some programs mix the two.
>>> OpenMP only works in a shared memory environment (e.g. a single
>>> computer like yours), whereas MPI can use both shared memory
>>> and work across a network (e.g. in a cluster).
>>> There are other differences too.
>>> Unlikely that you have this hybrid type of parallel program,
>>> otherwise there would be some reference to OpenMP
>>> on the very program configuration files, program documentation, etc.
>>> Also, in general the configuration scripts of these hybrid
>>> programs can turn on MPI only, or OpenMP only, or both,
>>> depending on how you configure.
>>> Even to compile with OpenMP you would need a proper compiler
>>> flag, but that one might be hidden in a Makefile too, making
>>> a bit hard to find. "grep -n mp Makefile" may give a clue.
>>> Anything on the documentation that mentions threads or OpenMP?
>>> FYI, here is OpenMP:
>>> http://openmp.org/wp/
>>>  Thanks for all your help!
>>> > Matt
>>> Well, so far it didn't really help. :(
>>> But let's hope to find a clue,
>>> maybe with a little help of
>>> our list subscriber friends.
>>> Gus Correa
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Gustavo Correa
>>> Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory - Columbia University
>>> Palisades, NY, 10964-8000 - USA
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>  Hi Matthew
>>>>> More guesses/questions than anything else:
>>>>> 1) Is there any additional load on this machine?
>>>>> We had problems like that (on different machines) when
>>>>> users start listening to streaming video, doing Matlab calculations,
>>>>> etc, while the MPI programs are running.
>>>>> This tends to oversubscribe the cores, and may lead to crashes.
>>>>> 2) RAM:
>>>>> Can you monitor the RAM usage through "top"?
>>>>> (I presume you are on Linux.)
>>>>> It may show unexpected memory leaks, if they exist.
>>>>> On "top", type "1" (one) see all cores, type "f" then "j"
>>>>> to see the core number associated to each process.
>>>>> 3) Do the programs work right with other MPI flavors (e.g. MPICH2)?
>>>>> If not, then it is not OpenMPI's fault.
>>>>> 4) Any possibility that the MPI versions/flavors of mpicc and
>>>>> mpirun that you are using to compile and launch the program are not the
>>>>> same?
>>>>> 5) Are you setting processor affinity on mpiexec?
>>>>> mpiexec -mca mpi_paffinity_alone 1 -np ... bla, bla ...
>>>>> Context switching across the cores may also cause trouble, I suppose.
>>>>> 6) Which Linux are you using (uname -a)?
>>>>> On other mailing lists I read reports that only quite recent kernels
>>>>> support all the Intel Nehalem processor features well.
>>>>> I don't have Nehalem, I can't help here,
>>>>> but the information may be useful
>>>>> for other list subscribers to help you.
>>>>> ***
>>>>> As for the programs, some programs require specific setup,
>>>>> (and even specific compilation) when the number of MPI processes
>>>>> vary.
>>>>> It may help if you tell us a link to the program sites.
>>>>> Baysian statistics is not totally out of our business,
>>>>> but phylogenetic genetic trees is not really my league,
>>>>> hence forgive me any bad guesses, please,
>>>>> but would it need specific compilation or a different
>>>>> set of input parameters to run correctly on a different
>>>>> number of processors?
>>>>> Do the programs mix MPI (message passing) with OpenMP (threads)?
>>>>> I found this MrBayes, which seems to do the above:
>>>>> http://mrbayes.csit.fsu.edu/
>>>>> http://mrbayes.csit.fsu.edu/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
>>>>> As for the ABySS, what is it, where can it be found?
>>>>> Doesn't look like a deep ocean circulation model, as the name suggest.
>>>>> My $0.02
>>>>> Gus Correa
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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>> Matthew MacManes
>> PhD Candidate
>> University of California- Berkeley
>> Museum of Vertebrate Zoology
>> Phone: 510-495-5833
>> Lab Website: http://ib.berkeley.edu/labs/lacey
>> Personal Website: http://macmanes.com/
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