I would be happy to help troubleshoot, but I am not much of a programmer to 
know how. The hang is reproducible, and -mca btl ^sm is about 15% faster.

if you want to shoot me some instructions off list, I can give it a go. 

The application that I am working with, primarily, is ABySS:  


On Dec 15, 2009, at 11:55 AM, Eugene Loh wrote:

> Matthew MacManes wrote:
>> On my system,  mpirun -np 8 -mca btl_sm_num_fifos 7 is much slower (and 
>> appeared to hang after several thousand interations) than -mca btl ^sm
> If the hang is reproducible, we should perhaps have a look.  Also, the fact 
> that it's much slower is interesting.  Can you characterize the message 
> pattern?  Increasing the number of FIFOs means that there are more places to 
> look to find messages, but this should make a difference mainly only for very 
> large on-node process counts (more than 8 I would have thought) and very 
> latency-sensitive applications (but perhaps that's what you have).
>> Is there another better way I should be modifying fifos to get better 
>> performance?
> Actually, there have some been some promising developments on the trac-2043 
> front.  So, maybe 1-3 days of patience could payoff here.  But, I'm not in a 
> position to promise anything.
>> On Dec 11, 2009, at 4:04 AM, Terry Dontje wrote:
>>>> Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2009 17:57:27 -0500
>>>> From: Jeff Squyres <jsquy...@cisco.com>
>>>> On Dec 10, 2009, at 5:53 PM, Gus Correa wrote:
>>>>>> How does the efficiency of loopback
>>>>>> (let's say, over TCP and over IB) compare with "sm"?            
>>>> Definitely not as good; that's why we have sm.   :-)   I don't have any 
>>>> quantification of that assertion, though (i.e., no numbers to back that 
>>>> up).
>>> However, as Eugene wrote earlier you can actually increase the number of 
>>> fifos used by the SM and avoid the hang that way.  Unless you are really 
>>> strapped for memory I think that would be the best way to go.
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Matthew MacManes
PhD Candidate
University of California- Berkeley
Museum of Vertebrate Zoology
Phone: 510-495-5833
Lab Website: http://ib.berkeley.edu/labs/lacey
Personal Website: http://macmanes.com/

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