On Fri, 2010-01-08 at 11:36 +0530, Arunkumar C R wrote:

> I do MPI programs using Fortran 90 in a Quad Core Machine with Fedora
> OS. Could any one of you suggest a good debugger to resolve the
> compilation/ run time errors?

It depends on what you mean by a debugger, there are two "parallel
debuggers" on the market, TotalView and DDT, both closed source and
fairly expensive.  They are both graphical apps that allow you to start
a job under their control or attach to existing jobs and allow full view
of the job and control it's execution (stepping and setting breakpoints
as you would in a non-parallel debugger).

There is also padb which is a tool I develop, it's open-source and
command line based, it doesn't allow you to dig as deep but does provide
a lot of information about the state of a parallel job.  It'll show you
parallel stack traces but won't let you single step for example.

The most basic way of using it and sample output are on-line here: 

All three of these tools will allow you to see the "Message queues"
contained within the parallel job as well.

In addition I believe Eclipse has some support for parallel programs,
I've not used it however so can't comment on it's features.



Ashley Pittman, Bath, UK.

Padb - A parallel job inspection tool for cluster computing

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