Adding the memory and cc will certainly do no harm, and someone tried to remove 
them as an optimization.  I wouldn't change the input and output lines - the 
differences are mainly syntactic sugar.


On Feb 10, 2010, at 7:04 AM, Ake Sandgren wrote:

> On Wed, 2010-02-10 at 08:21 -0500, Jeff Squyres wrote:
>> On Feb 10, 2010, at 7:47 AM, Ake Sandgren wrote:
>>> According to people who knows asm statements fairly well (compiler
>>> developers), it should be
>>> static inline int opal_atomic_cmpset_32( volatile int32_t *addr,
>>>                                         int32_t oldval, int32_t newval)
>>> {
>>>    unsigned char ret;
>>>    __asm__ __volatile__ (
>>>                        SMPLOCK "cmpxchgl %3,%2   \n\t"
>>>                                "sete     %0      \n\t"
>>>                        : "=qm" (ret), "=a" (oldval), "=m" (*addr)
>>>                        : "q"(newval), "2"(*addr), "1"(oldval)
>>>                        : "memory", "cc");
>>>    return (int)ret;
>>> }
>> Disclaimer: I know almost nothing about assembly.
>> I know that OMPI's asm is a carefully crafted set of assembly that works 
>> across a broad range of compilers.  So what might not be "quite right" for 
>> one compiler may actually be there because another compiler needs it.
>> That being said, if the changes above are for correctness, not 
>> neatness/style/etc., I can't speak for that...
> The above should be correct for gcc style unless i misunderstood them.
> Quoting from their reply:
> 'it should be "memory", "cc" since you also have to tell gcc you're
> clobbering the EFLAGS'
> And i don't know asm either so...

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