Let me see if I understand your question. You want to launch an initial MPI 
code using mpirun or as a singleton. This code will then determine available 
resources and use MPI_Comm_spawn to launch the "real" MPI job.


If so, then yes - you can do that. When you do the comm_spawn, you need to 
include an MPI_Info key of "add-host" that specifies the host(s) 
(comma-delimited list) to be used for launching the specified app. Or you can 
do "add-hostfile" - either or both are supported.

On Feb 24, 2010, at 5:39 PM, Damien Hocking wrote:

> Hi all,
> Does OpenMPI support dynamic process management without launching through 
> mpirun or mpiexec?  I need to use some MPI code in a shared-memory 
> environment where I don't know the resources in advance.
> Damien
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