On Sep 20, 2010, at 2:14 PM, Ken Mighell wrote:

> Has there been any consideration of porting OpenMPI to the ARM processor?

I don't believe that anyone is actively working on this, but I could be wrong.

> Plans are afoot to launch 7 ARM processors on a "Stage Coach" card in a 3U
> CubeSat.  NASA's NMP (New Millennium Program) ST-8 (Space Technology 8)
> DM (Dependable Multiprocessor) uses OpenMPI as the foundation for its
> fault-tolerant cluster middleware.  Thus the enquiry about the status of 
> OpenMPI
> with the ARM architecture.

Patches would be welcome!  :-)

I believe that the first step would be to get some assembly for the ARM 
platform for some of OMPI's key routines (locks, atomics, etc.).  Beyond that, 
it *might* "just work"...?

Jeff Squyres
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