Jeff Squyres wrote:

>Probably your best bet would be:
>- investigate if there's a missing symbol or library in the current 
> (e.g., run nm on and ensure that all those 
>libraries are >present in SLES 11)
>    - if it's a missing library, see if you can supply a dummy library to make 
> it work (that may involve a little trickery)
>- recompile OMPI 1.4.2 under SLES 11
>    - copy in the from that install to your old OMPI install
>    - run some apps and see if it works
>    - if it does, relax, have a beer^H^H^H^Hnon-cafinated tea
>- if it does not work, you may have to go the recompile-everything route

Thanks for the very useful suggestions.  I have already attempted a rebuild 
under SLES 11 and
found that there looks to be an IB RPM missing from SGI's default configuration 
of SLES 11. So,
I will get that and try both to rerun under SLES 11 and recompile.   The 
implication of your reply
is that if the symbols/libraries are all there then things should work.  The 
idea of dropping in a new:

built under SLES 11 to get around the problem seems to be the most palatable 
(and clever idea).

Thanks much.  I will report back.



Richard Walsh
Parallel Applications and Systems Manager
CUNY HPC Center, Staten Island, NY

Reason does give the heart pause;
As the heart gives reason fits.

Yet, to live where reason always rules;
Is to kill one's heart with wits.
From: [] On Behalf Of Jeff 
Squyres []
Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2010 9:07 AM
To: Open MPI Users
Subject: Re: [OMPI users] Continued functionality across a SLES10 to SLES11     
upgrade ...

On Sep 20, 2010, at 1:20 PM, Richard Walsh wrote:

> I was not expecting things to work, and find that codes compiled using
> OpenMPI 1.4.1 commands under SLES 10.2 produce the following message
> when run under SLES11:
> mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /share/apps/openmpi-intel/1.4.1/lib/openmpi/mca_btl_openib: perhaps a missing 
> symbol, or compiled for a different version of Open MPI? (ignored)
> This file is in position and is NOT the result of a faulty mixed-release 
> over-build
> (things work great under SLES10.2).
> The message indicates that (as the default is to build OpenMPI dynamically
> with share objects) in loading this required IB-related library there must
> be a format incompatibility.   However, I find that if I force the use of GE 
> with:
> -mca btl tcp,self
> things seem to run OK under SLES 11.
> Could someone add some detail here on what, if anything, I can expect to
> work when we try to run old SLES 10.2 build OpenMPI 1.4.1 binaries under
> SLES 11.   I would have thought NOTHING, but maybe that is not quite right.

I do not have any experience with SLES, so I can't comment for sure.  But I'd 
*guess* that there was a symbol change between 10.2 and 11 in the OpenFabrics 
libraries such that the openib BTL is unable to find a symbol that it needs.  
Another possibility is the dependent libraries of changed (e.g., 
perhaps required -lsysfs in 10.2, but then doesn't 
exist in 11...?).  Does the SLES release notes say anything about binary 
compatibility (particularly of the OpenFabrics libraries) between SLES 10.2 and 

I'm quite sure that recompiling all of OMPI should make it work -- I'd be very 
surprised if the OpenFabrics libraries in SLES 11 were inconsistent such that 
you couldn't just rebuild and have it work.

You may be able to recompile *just the openib BTL module* on SLES 11, drop it 
in your OMPI 1.4.2 installation, and have it work again.  But that's not a 
guarantee -- other things may have changed such that a recompile may change 
some struct sizes or somesuch.

Probably your best bet would be:

- investigate if there's a missing symbol or library in the current (e.g., run nm on and ensure that all those 
libraries are present in SLES 11)
    - if it's a missing library, see if you can supply a dummy library to make 
it work (that may involve a little trickery)
- recompile OMPI 1.4.2 under SLES 11
    - copy in the from that install to your old OMPI install
    - run some apps and see if it works
    - if it does, relax, have a beer^H^H^H^Hnon-cafinated tea
- if it does not work, you may have to go the recompile-everything route

Jeff Squyres
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