
In Open MPI 1.4.1, the directory lib/openmpi contains about 130
entries, including such things as mca_btl_openib.so.  In my
build of Open MPI 1.4.2, lib/openmpi contains exactly three
libompi_dbg_msgq.a  libompi_dbg_msgq.la  libompi_dbg_msgq.so

I have searched my 1.4.2 installation for mca_btl_openib.so,
to no avail.  And yet, 1.4.2 seems to work "fine".  Is my
installation broken, or is the organization significantly
different between the two versions?  A quick scan of the
release notes didn't help.


Best regards,

David Turner
User Services Group        email: dptur...@lbl.gov
NERSC Division             phone: (510) 486-4027
Lawrence Berkeley Lab        fax: (510) 486-4316

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