On Oct 15, 2010, at 5:28 PM, Gus Correa wrote:

> Just a note about the MPI documentation and the Fortran90 bindings.
> It would be helpful if the MPI function man pages, and
> perhaps any new edition or third volume of the "MPI Complete Reference",
> maybe the MPI-3 standard, were more clear about the subroutine
> arguments in the Fortran90 bindings.
> Currently they seem to deal only with Fortran77,
> only mention that a certain argument is an array of some
> basic/MPI type, and even use the "assumed-size array notation",
> e.g.  "ARRAY_OF_REQUESTS(*)" .
> Nothing is said about array rank/dimensionality
> restrictions or capabilities,
> which would be helpful information for those like me
> who are enchained to Fortran90 like Prometheus to the cliff.

Good point.

FWIW, the new F08 module in MPI-3 will be much, much mo' betta than the 
existing MPI F90 bindings.  We plan to prototype the F08 module in OMPI when we 
finish specifying it in the Forum, and revamp the F90 support in OMPI at 
more-or-less the same time.

Jeff Squyres
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