Open MPI users --

I took a little heat at the last the MPI Forum for not having Open MPI be fully 
complaint with MPI-2.2 yet (OMPI is compliant with MPI-2.1).  Specifically, 
there's still 4 open issues in Open MPI that are necessary for full MPI-2.2 

We haven't made these items a priority because -- to be blunt -- no one really 
has been asking for them.  No one has come forward and said "I *must* have 
these features!" (to be fair, they're somewhat obscure features).  

Other than not having the obvious "OMPI is MPI-2.2 compliant" checkmark for 
marketing reasons, is there anyone who *needs* the functionality represented by 
those still-open tickets?

Thanks for your input.

Jeff Squyres
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