How early does this need to run? Can I run it as part of a task
prolog, or does it need to be the shell env for each rank?  And does
it need to run on one node or all the nodes in the job?

On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 8:54 PM, Ralph Castain <> wrote:
> Well, I couldn't do it as a patch - proved too complicated as the psm system 
> looks for the value early in the boot procedure.
> What I can do is give you the attached key generator program. It outputs the 
> envar required to run your program. So if you run the attached program and 
> then export the output into your environment, you should be okay. Looks like 
> this:
> $ ./psm_keygen
> OMPI_MCA_orte_precondition_transports=0099b3eaa2c1547e-afb287789133a954
> $
> You compile the program with the usual mpicc.
> Let me know if this solves the problem (or not).
> Ralph
> On Dec 30, 2010, at 11:18 AM, Michael Di Domenico wrote:
>> Sure, i'll give it a go
>> On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 5:53 PM, Ralph Castain <> wrote:
>>> Ah, yes - that is going to be a problem. The PSM key gets generated by 
>>> mpirun as it is shared info - i.e., every proc has to get the same value.
>>> I can create a patch that will do this for the srun direct-launch scenario, 
>>> if you want to try it. Would be later today, though.
>>> On Dec 30, 2010, at 10:31 AM, Michael Di Domenico wrote:
>>>> Well maybe not horray, yet.  I might have jumped the gun a bit, it's
>>>> looking like srun works in general, but perhaps not with PSM
>>>> With PSM i get this error, (at least now i know what i changed)
>>>> Error obtaining unique transport key from ORTE
>>>> (orte_precondition_transports not present in the environment)
>>>> PML add procs failed
>>>> --> Returned "Error" (-1) instead of "Success" (0)
>>>> Turn off PSM and srun works fine
>>>> On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 5:13 PM, Ralph Castain <> wrote:
>>>>> Hooray!
>>>>> On Dec 30, 2010, at 9:57 AM, Michael Di Domenico wrote:
>>>>>> I think i take it all back.  I just tried it again and it seems to
>>>>>> work now.  I'm not sure what I changed (between my first and this
>>>>>> msg), but it does appear to work now.
>>>>>> On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 4:31 PM, Michael Di Domenico
>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>> Yes that's true, error messages help.  I was hoping there was some
>>>>>>> documentation to see what i've done wrong.  I can't easily cut and
>>>>>>> paste errors from my cluster.
>>>>>>> Here's a snippet (hand typed) of the error message, but it does look
>>>>>>> like a rank communications error
>>>>>>> ORTE_ERROR_LOG: A message is attempting to be sent to a process whose
>>>>>>> contact information is unknown in file rml_oob_send.c at line 145.
>>>>>>> *** MPI_INIT failure message (snipped) ***
>>>>>>> orte_grpcomm_modex failed
>>>>>>> --> Returned "A messages is attempting to be sent to a process whose
>>>>>>> contact information us uknown" (-117) instead of "Success" (0)
>>>>>>> This msg repeats for each rank, an ultimately hangs the srun which i
>>>>>>> have to Ctrl-C and terminate
>>>>>>> I have mpiports defined in my slurm config and running srun with
>>>>>>> -resv-ports does show the SLURM_RESV_PORTS environment variable
>>>>>>> getting parts to the shell
>>>>>>> On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 8:09 PM, Ralph Castain <> 
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I'm not sure there is any documentation yet - not much clamor for it. 
>>>>>>>> :-/
>>>>>>>> It would really help if you included the error message. Otherwise, all 
>>>>>>>> I can do is guess, which wastes both of our time :-(
>>>>>>>> My best guess is that the port reservation didn't get passed down to 
>>>>>>>> the MPI procs properly - but that's just a guess.
>>>>>>>> On Dec 23, 2010, at 12:46 PM, Michael Di Domenico wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Can anyone point me towards the most recent documentation for using
>>>>>>>>> srun and openmpi?
>>>>>>>>> I followed what i found on the web with enabling the MpiPorts config
>>>>>>>>> in slurm and using the --resv-ports switch, but I'm getting an error
>>>>>>>>> from openmpi during setup.
>>>>>>>>> I'm using Slurm 2.1.15 and Openmpi 1.5 w/PSM
>>>>>>>>> I'm sure I'm missing a step.
>>>>>>>>> Thanks
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